jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2006


In Germany its a tradition to count down the last 4 sundays till the 24th december.
These sundays have the special name "Advent" (adviento). Each sunday evening we light a
candle. One candle at the first "Advent" two at the second "Advent and so on till the 4th "Advent". This year the 4th Advent is the 24th december so we very seldomly celebrate
christmas and the last "Advent".
What`s also special is that the shops opened on Sundays (its usually not the case),
that means that the people have more time to buy presents and don`t belive that the people
don`t go there and relax, hell no the inner cities are full of people and you can`t go 10 stepps
without stumbling.

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