jueves, 1 de febrero de 2007

Our mark system in Germany

About the Marksystem in Germany

Here we have just 6 kinds of marks, from 1 to 6.
It is different from Spain we are happy if we get a 1, because it’s the best mark you can get in our schools. The worst is a six, the average is that you get 3.
Between the mainmarks you get a little up or down.
For example if you are not good enough for a 3 but too good for a 4
either, you get a 3-. The other possibility is that you get a 3+ if you are too
good for a usual 3 but not enough for 2.
If we have our final exam we need a 4 at least to pass the exam.
Whats also different from spain is that we get two types of marks, firstis
The mark for class tests and exams.
The second typ is a mark for your working in the class like how often
you say something in the lesson or for your presentation.
At the end of a year the marks add up to your final mark.

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